Michinoku Hikers is an online travel agency registered in Tokyo Metropolitan Government, headed by Toshi Harada. Michinoku Hikers plan and conduct original hiking tours on the Michinoku Coastal Trail. Michinoku Hikers also support to develop hiking itineraries and accommodation plans according to your request.
Who isToshi
Representative Toshi Harada completed to hike the entire Michinoku Coastal Trail for 47 days in the fall of 2020 and the spring of 2021. Being fascinated by the beauty of the trail and tenderness of the local people, Toshi strongly felt that he wanted as many people as possible to walk the Michinoku Coastal Trail, that led him to create a travel agency dedicated to the Michinoku Coastal Trail.
Toshi is a licensed guide interpreter in English, and has held various certification/education including domestic travel business handling manager, itinerary management training, and Wilderness Advanced First Aid training.
Michinoku Hikers
Tokyo Metropolitan Government registered travel agency #2-8183
Head office: 1-31-20-103, Takaido-higashi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0072 Japan
Tokyo sales office: 2-28-6, Higashi-azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0044, Japan